Center for Research in Child Development
Loyola University Chicago

​Once again, we are sad to see our seniors go, but SO excited for what they will do next. Congrats to Kristina Humphrey, Connor Karwowski and Sierra Webber from the Movement & Learning Lab and members from the Cognitive Development Lab!
Congrats to Dr. Wakefield who was this year's recipient of the St. Ignatius Loyola Award for Excellence in Teaching. Read more about the award here.
The Undergraduate Research and Engagement Symposium was finally back in person this year! Our students had a fun time presenting their work to many friends, family, and faculty members!

Drs. Guy and Wakefield and graduate students Asli Bursalioglu, Cidnee Hall and Eleanor Bessner traveled to Salt Lake City to present work at the Society of Research in Child Development Bi-Annual conference in March.
Students from the CRCD won competitive fellowships to pursue independent projects during the 2023-24 school year! Congrats to Lisa Gallo, Jen Kavina, Milosz Krzewinski, Chloe Michel and Priscilla Ruiz!
Alumni Erin Foy, Emma Tumminaro and Natalia Zielinski from the Movement & Learning Lab presented work at the International Society for Gesture Studies conference this summer in Chicago! Everyone did a great job!

CONGRATS TO DOCTOR KATIE GUARINO! Dr. Wakefield was thrilled to hood her first Ph.D. student in May after a very successful dissertation defense in January.

​Congrats to graduating seniors Emma Tumminaro, Mary Nagai and Agna Patel from the Movement & Learning Lab and members from the Cognitive Development Lab!
We are excited for another round of LUROP support for CRCD projects. Next year Trinity Bauer, Nhi Dung, and Kristina Humphrey will be conduct independent project supported by fellowships from Loyola!
Congrats to our amazing seniors -- Laura Bottei, Erin Foy, Dylan Nelson, Kiril Nikolovski, Tori Roberts, and Natalia Zielinski from the Movement & Learning Lab and Aleena Ferozuddin, Katya Aguilar, Rebecca DePiero, and Aleksandra Kostic from the Child Development Lab -- who graduated this June and are going on to be PhD, MA, and medical students, research assistants, and many other exciting jobs next year! We wish you the best of luck!
Students from the CRCD won competitive fellowships to pursue independent projects again this year! Congrats to Trinity Bauer, Mary Clare Nagai, Agna Patel and Sam Spain!
Natalia Zielinski published her honors thesis work as a Cognitive Science Proceedings paper! Natalia will present at the upcoming meeting of Cognitive Science!
Studies for the Cognitive Development Lab are online and on demand! Check out the Lookit site to learn more!
Congrats to senior, Natalia Zielinski, from the Movement & Learning Lab! Natalia was awarded a Psi Chi Research Award for work she will present this spring at the Midwestern Psychological Association virtual conference.
The pandemic has forced the CRCD to get creative! Graduate student, Asli Bursalioglu and senior Aleena Ferozuddin have been hard at work getting studies for infants up and running online for the Child Development Lab! Erin Foy, and Tori Roberts, seniors from the Movement & Learning Lab have also transitioned their honors thesis projects online, and Natalia Zielinski has come up with a creative way to do an eye tracking study following social-distancing guidelines!
Work from the Movement & Learning Lab has recently been published in the Journal of Experimental Child Psychology! We show that older children who see gesture as meaningful think that person who uses gesture when they talk will be a better person to learn from than someone who does not.
Graduate student, Katie Guarino from the Movement & Learning Lab was awarded a fellowship from her undergraduate alma mater to fund her dissertation work! She expects to defend her dissertation this spring​
Graduate student, Asli Bursalioglu from the Cognitive Development lab successfully proposed her Master's Thesis. Asli will be doing exciting work on face processing in infancy, using both behavioral and EEG measures. We can't wait to see your results, Asli!
Congrats to graduating seniors, Allison Haussler, Mady Jurcev, and Mariana Sosa from the Movement & Learning Lab and Sabina Hajdarovic, Diana Mahlis, and Liz Wolfgram from the Cognitive Development Lab! We will miss you!
Despite the set back to our research due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have great news for moving forward with research during the next academic year! Congrats to Loyola Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program Fellowship recipients, Aleena Ferozuddin, Erin Foy, Tori Roberts, and Natalia Zielinski!
Our seniors are being honored for their research! ​
Congrats to Mady Jurcev, who was awarded an Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher award. Mady has worked in the Movement & Learning Lab since the summer after her first year. She has completed two independent projects and earned honors on her senior thesis.
Congrats to Diana Mahlis who was awarded the Outstanding Neuroscience Undergraduate Award. Diana has been worked in the Cognitive Development Lab since her sophomore year and recently completed her honors thesis with Dr. Guy!
Dr. Wakefield was awarded the Langerbeck Faculty Research Mentorship Award, recognizing her commitment to creating meaningful research experiences for undergraduates!
Dr. Guy published research on the neural bases of infant face processing in the journal NeuroImage with collaborators from the University of South Carolina!
April was a great month for the Movement and Learning Lab! Katie Guarino successfully defended her Master's Thesis, Mady Jurcev and Demi Agaiby presented great posters about their independent research projects at Loyola's Weekend of Excellence, and Katie and Dr. Wakefield had a conference proceedings paper accepted to Cognitive Science Society, with collaborators from Loyola and UC Irvine!​

Congrats to Katie Guarino, who was accepted to present a talk at the upcoming meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development!
Congrats to Asli Bursalioglu, who gave a talk at the annual meeting of the European Federation of Psychology Students' Association!
Congrats to Mady Jurcev, who is pursuing an independent project with funding from Loyola!​
Dr. Wakefield published new research in the journal Developmental Psychology with collaborators from the University of Chicago!
Dr. Guy published new research examining neural responses to faces in infants at high risk for autism in the journal Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience with collaborators from the University of South Carolina!
We warmly welcome Asli Bursalioglu, as the newest graduate student in the CRCD and Cognitive Development Lab!
Congrats to Katie Guarino, who presented research on how children with and without prior knowledge allocate visual attention during math instruction at the Cognitive Development Society Meeting!
Dr. Wakefield published new research in the journal Developmental Science with collaborators from the University of Chicago and Indiana University!
Dr. Guy published new research examining infant processing of visual symmetry in the journal Developmental Psychobiology with collaborators from the University of Tennessee, University of East Anglia, and University of Louisville!
Congrats to Natalie Schomas and Sarah Heimberg! Both Natalie and Sarah are undergraduate research assistants who won Mulcahy Research Fellowship awards for the 2017-2018 academic year, and Natalie also won the Provost Fellowship award for summer research!
Dr. Wakefield published new research in the journal Child Development with collaborators from the University of Chicago!